Weighted Blankets for Mental Health

Weighted Blankets for Mental Health

Weighted Blankets – The Science of how they work. Do weighted blankets really work or are they over-rated?  Do weighted blankets work and how do you choose one?  Weighted blankets have hit the mainstream. Everyone from Vogue magazine to Good Housekeeping are...
Body Image Labelling

Body Image Labelling

Does altering an image alter self-perception? It’s time to ask the Girl Guides. Innovation is possible, and French law makers (and the Girl Guides) are here to show us how. Does altering an image alter self-perception? It’s time to ask the Girl Guides. It’s an obvious...
Commuting & Mental Health

Commuting & Mental Health

How bad is commuting for our mental health?   Return to work conversations are happening – but what was the commute really doing to our wellbeing?  Returning to work after working from home (WFH) and the impact of commuting on wellbeing    If you were...
Social Media Mental Health Professionals

Social Media Mental Health Professionals

Top 3 Mental Health Professionals on Social Media Follow them. Follow them now. Top 3 Mental Health Professionals on Social Media.  Love it or loathe it, we live in a world where social media is a part of most people’s lives (in some shape or form). As a profession,...
Digital Pride 2020

Digital Pride 2020

Digital Pride 2020. The Future or a Flop? Pride organisers have had to innovate. What does this mean for Pride and LGBTQ+ mental health? Digital Pride 2020. The Future or a Flop? As we come to the end of Pride season for another year it is fair to say that it was...